
PMCT ensures, through the accreditation process, appropriate department-based education opportunities within each clinical term. In addition, PMCT provides a weekly JMO Tutorial Program.

Session content for the JMO Tutorial Program is linked to the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors.

In addition to the formal weekly JMO Tutorial, PMCT also organises the provision of clinical skills training for its Junior Doctors, ensuring compliance with THS mandatory clinical skills training.

Each PMCT Team organises its own specific tutorial program and clinical skills training, as well as additional teaching programs and workshops – please see the specific hospital listing on our website for more details.

THS provides excellent department-based education within each term, as well as hospital-wide learning opportunities including Hospital Grand Rounds and Journal Clubs.  THEO is the internal THS website portal which provides a wide range of online education modules for all staff, including mandatory modules which staff are required to complete upon commencement and, for a small number of modules, annually.

In response to the large increase in the number of IMGs now working in the Tasmanian Health System, PMCT has implemented a number of programs specifically designed to assist IMGs with adapting to the Australian Healthcare system.  This includes IMG-focussed tutorials, forums and clinical skills training sessions.