The Accreditation Cycle

In 2017 the accreditation cycle moved from a three year to a four year cycle. As a result of this the PMCT Accreditation Committee (PMCT AC) determined that a mid-cycle audit review would also be undertaken. The timeline, documents and tools used for both of these reviews are quite different.

The accreditation cycle that the PMCT AC undertakes is every four years with follow up and interim reviews undertaken, as deemed necessary. To ensure that all aspects of accreditation meets the standards set out by AMC and MBA, the PMCT AC manages recruiting, training and retraining of survey team members, holds minuted meetings four times a year as well as out of session meetings when required and provides bi-yearly newsletters, accessed via the web pages. The policy documents pertaining to accreditation are updated and maintained on a four yearly cycle.

Full Accreditation Survey (every four years)

This is a comprehensive review of the intern training program at the health service under consideration. The PMCT Accreditation Survey Team evaluates health services as effective training sites, and also evaluates each existing accredited intern term/PGY2 and new proposed intern terms. It also recommends improvements in education and training for interns.

Mid-Cycle review (halfway through the four year Full Accreditation period)

A Mid-Cycle review occurs two years after the Full Accreditation Survey Visit. The Mid-Cycle review process focuses on:
  • Conditions and recommendations arising from the Full Accreditation Survey Visit that have not been met, or are in the process of being finalised;
  • Changes to AMC standards for intern training programs that have come into effect since the previous visit
  • Significant changes in the health service/delivery of service/staffing in any accredited term which will directly impact the junior doctors assigned to that term, since the previous visit;
  • Changes to the intern and IMG (PGY1 level) training program or terms since the previous visit or RMO and IMG (PGY2+ level) terms since the previous visit
  • Summary of term evaluations for the period since the last survey visit by Interns and IMGs (PGY1 level) or RMOs and IMGs (PGY2+ level)

Self-evaluation against the accreditation standards is not part of the mid-cycle review, although feedback is sought in regards to those standards that were not met at the previous survey visit.

The Accreditation Mid-Cycle survey tool is based on the Intern Training National Standards, and has been reviewed and approved by the PMCT AC.