PMCT has several committees that deal with current issues around accreditation, education and matters relating to JMOs. The role of these bodies is to assist and give advice to the PMCT board and council.
The Accreditation Committee of the Postgraduate Medical Education Council of Tasmania (PMCT) undertakes accreditation of terms within the public hospital health services in Tasmania. PMCT has been granted the accreditation role in Tasmania by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) ensuring the standards, which are set out by the AMC and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA), are maintained.
The accreditation cycle that the PMCT Accreditation Committee (PMCT AC) undertakes is every four years with follow up and interim reviews undertaken, as deemed necessary. To ensure that all aspects of accreditation meets the standards set out by AMC and MBA, the PMCT AC manages recruiting, training and retraining of survey team members, holds minuted meetings four times a year as well as out of session meetings when required and provides bi-yearly newsletters, accessed via the web pages. The policy documents pertaining to accreditation are updated and maintained on a four yearly cycle.
Statewide Education and Accreditation Advisor
Representative from University of Tasmania - School of Medicine